Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fossilized octopus?

Scientists looking at rocks spend most of their time looking for old fossils of bony creatures like dinosaurs and fish. Bones tend to decay a lot slower so it makes sense that they would last longer based on most evolutionary theories that the bones were buried slowly over some period of time and eventually fossilized.

Now they've found a set of octopi. An octopus has no bones and decays into a slimy mass within days if it isn't eaten by scavengers. So these fossilized octopi must have been buried quickly. Why, even their suckers are visible and they look very similar to modern octopi today. Amazing.

How could this have occurred?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Check out American Solutions - Petitions

American Solutions has a petition campaign, Freedom Not Fear, to defeat the Employee "Free Choice" Act. I signed their petition and I think you should sign it too.

It would strip workers of the right to vote by private ballot when deciding to join a union, and it would undermine the right to freely negotiate contracts.

Please take a minute to sign this petition by going to