Thursday, October 30, 2008

Methane levels increase worldwide simultaneously?

Supposedly methane is one of the greenhouse gasses. According to this article, it increased worldwide simultaneously for an unknown reason last year. It's just more evidence that global warming may not be caused by man.

From the article:
One thing does seem very clear, however; science is only beginning to get a handle on the big picture of global warming. Findings like these tell us it's too early to know for sure if man's impact is affecting things at the political cry of "alarming rates." We may simply be going through another natural cycle of warmer and colder times - one that's been observed through a scientific analysis of the Earth to be naturally occuring for hundreds of thousands of years.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What's your tax cut?

Check this out!

You can find out an estimate of what your tax cut would be under Obama or McCain with the site linked above. I think the intent is to see what your cut would be under Obama but it also shows what it would be under McCain. In my case, I would get nearly twice the tax cut under McCain than I would under Obama.

Japanese Banking Crisis

As everyone knows, the financial crisis is world-wide. Here's what's happening in Japan apparently:

Origami Bank folded last night. Apparently Sumo Fund Managers went belly up and Bonsai Bank, after a period of stunted growth, now plans to cut back some of its branches.

Kamikaze Bank took a dive and 1,500 staff at Karate Bank got the chop. Analysts report that there is something fishy going on at Sushi Bank and staff there fear they may get a raw deal. Onsen Bank has taken a bath and even Miso Bank is in the soup. The share value of Samurai Bank has been slashed.

On the plus side, now is a good time to buy Karaoke Bank, its shares can be had for a song.
(Yes, I copied it from here. It's still funny though.)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama chose his friends carefully?

Why has no one mentioned this before? This is a quote from Obama's book, Dreams from my Father.
"I chose my friends carefully,... The Marxist professors and structural feminists."

You can read more about it here.

Monday, October 20, 2008

First the sasquatch (bigfoot), now the Yeti?

My, I've found several interesting items today. Here's another one. A team from Japan is looking for the Yeti. Based on what they're saying, it sounds very similar to the Sasquatch also known as Bigfoot. You've got to wonder where these stories are coming from.

30 years of global cooling?

I keep seeing these stories. Maybe I'm just biased but why are there more and more of them all the time?

When the cure is worse than the disease

Don't you just hate it when you do something to fix a problem only later to find out it caused the problem to get worse where if you had left it alone, it would have corrected itself? Well, it looks like that may be the case with disposable vs. cloth diapers as well. I've used both but never to "save the planet." Ultimately, cloth diapers save money since you don't have to keep buying more and more all the time. Unfortunately for those people worried about being "green", it may not actually save anything to use cloth. Oh well. so much for that idea.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Global warming becomes global cooling?

If global warming is man-made, then why is there evidence of global cooling? You can read one bit here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Is bankruptcy the answer?

No, I'm not declaring bankruptcy. I would never encourage any private citizen to do so. However, this article suggests that the current financial crisis would be best solved if those companies who are in trouble did declare bankruptcy.

The other day, the US House voted down the bailout package, which, in my opinion, was the right thing to do. Now, however, our political leaders are all pushing again to get another version of the bill to pass. It appears to me that they're taking a barrel of pork, trying to add enough lipstick to the pigs so that they will look like supermodels.

If they would let the inevitable happen, it might hurt at first but in the end it would be less painful than if they keep messing around and make the problem worse.