Friday, August 22, 2008

Check this out!

Someone recently sent me a link to this website. It's really cool, no pun intended.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The rest of the story on The Surge

This is a fascinating article that describes the behind-the-scenes push for the surge in Iraq by John McCain. The article is quite long but it is worth reading if you plan on voting in November.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It never pays to lie

Ouch. According to this article, "Bigfoot" was just a big, hairy, rubber gorilla suit. Also, if you remember correctly, one of the perpetrators of this hoax was a police officer who was on administrative leave. Well, at the end of the article, the sheriff says he has already filled out paperwork to fire this policeman for this stunt. You'd think he would know better than to try to pull off a stunt like that.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another side of Beijing

As most know, the olympics are in full progress right now so there are lots of reporters over there. Apparently one of them is Dave Barry, a humorist who I've enjoyed reading for a long time. Well, here is his take on taking a cab while trying to get around Beijing. Apparently, his description is pretty accurate from other things I've read.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Bigfoot is a big opossum?

Well, it turns out that Bigfoot is a cross between a man and an opossum. So says this article, among many others. I wonder what these guys expect to get out of this story if they don't have the real thing? There must be some money in this or something. Maybe they just like to see their name in the paper.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bigfoot found?

I haven't had as much time to surf the last few days so I haven't been posting quite as often the last few days. However, I came across this unusual site with breaking news: Someone claims to have found a dead body of bigfoot in northern Georgia. Supposedly, there are more live ones walking around there too.

Just don't tell the EPA because if this is true, they'll immediately declare them to be endangered and all human activity within about 1000 miles will be curtailed to protect their habitat.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Climate Hysteria

I guess I'm a heritic when it comes to global warming, but according to this article, that may be changing. Hopefully a few more politicians will figure out that Gore is a nut and that the whole global warming hoax is just that.